Rice Combo (2008, 5") by Po-Chun Wang. For the Heliphon and Gamelan Galak Tika plus electronics. |
Agak-Agak (2008, 15") by Ramon Castillo. For the Heliphon, the Whirlybot, Gamelan Galak Tika, bass, EWI, accordion, and electronics. |
Concert Aria for Obbligato Violin and Robots (2008, 15") by Paul Lansky. For the Heliphon, the Whirlybot, the Bot(i)Cello, and Violin. |
Highway Mass (2008, 20") by Jenny Olivia Johnson. For the Heliphon, the Whirlybot, violin, keyboard, bass, guitar, bass clarinet, accordion, and voice |
Belle Labs (2006, 20") by Evan Ziporyn. For Heliphon, Clarinet, and Violin.
video / sound : premiere performance at Boston Museum of Science, January 25, 2006. Todd Reynolds (violin), Evan Ziporyn (clarinet)
Evan Ziporyn, Heliphon, Todd Reynolds @ Museum of Science. Photo by Jeff Lieberman. |
Gamelan Galak Tika & Ensemble Robot @ Museum of Science. Photo by Jeff Lieberman. |
Heavy Metal (2006, 18") by Christine Southworth. For Heliphon, Blobot, Beatbot, Balinese gamelan, electric guitar, violin, bass, and lyricon.
video / sound: premiere performance at Boston Museum of Science, January 25, 2006. Gamelan Galak Tika, Eddie Whalen (guitar), Todd Reynolds (violin), Blake Newman (bass), Erik Nugent (lyricon). |
Anthropomorphic (2005) by Ramon Castillo. For Heliphon, Beatbot and keyboard/accordian
sound: Marc Chan (keyboard) with the Heliphon and Beatbot at the Boston Museum of Science, January 25, 2006.
Sachi Sato & Heliphon @ Boston Cyberarts Festival . Photo by Christine Southworth. |
Ashley Salomon (choreographer) with dancers, JAMU, May 2005 @ Boston Cyberarts Festival |
Jamu (2002/05, 10:30) by Christine Southworth. For electronic gamelan and robots
sound: remixed by Eric Gunther for electronics and Heliphon, 2005.
Zap! (2004, 45" ) by Christine Southworth. For Van de Graaff Generator, flutes, voices, guitar, cello, bass, percussion, piano, robots and electronics.
sound: Robert Black (bass), David Cossin (percussion), Felix Fan (cello), Eddie Whalen (guitar), Christine Southworth (voice), Philippa Thompson (voice), Evan Ziporyn (keyboards & clarinet)
©2004 by Christine Southworth, ASCAP, all rights reserved