The Robots
Artists & Engineers
Time Line
Photos & Video



Rice Combo (2008, 5") by Po-Chun Wang. For the Heliphon and Gamelan Galak Tika plus electronics.

Agak-Agak (2008, 15") by Ramon Castillo. For the Heliphon, the Whirlybot, Gamelan Galak Tika, bass, EWI, accordion, and electronics.



Concert Aria for Obbligato Violin and Robots (2008, 15") by Paul Lansky. For the Heliphon, the Whirlybot, the Bot(i)Cello, and Violin.

Highway Mass (2008, 20") by Jenny Olivia Johnson. For the Heliphon, the Whirlybot, violin, keyboard, bass, guitar, bass clarinet, accordion, and voice


Belle Labs (2006, 20") by Evan Ziporyn. For Heliphon, Clarinet, and Violin.

video / sound : premiere performance at Boston Museum of Science, January 25, 2006. Todd Reynolds (violin), Evan Ziporyn (clarinet)

Evan Ziporyn, Heliphon, Todd Reynolds @ Museum of Science. Photo by Jeff Lieberman.

Gamelan Galak Tika & Ensemble Robot @ Museum of Science. Photo by Jeff Lieberman.

Heavy Metal (2006, 18") by Christine Southworth. For Heliphon, Blobot, Beatbot, Balinese gamelan, electric guitar, violin, bass, and lyricon.

video / sound: premiere performance at Boston Museum of Science, January 25, 2006. Gamelan Galak Tika, Eddie Whalen (guitar), Todd Reynolds (violin), Blake Newman (bass), Erik Nugent (lyricon).

Anthropomorphic (2005) by Ramon Castillo. For Heliphon, Beatbot and keyboard/accordian

sound: Marc Chan (keyboard) with the Heliphon and Beatbot at the Boston Museum of Science, January 25, 2006.


Sachi Sato & Heliphon @ Boston Cyberarts Festival . Photo by Christine Southworth.

Ashley Salomon (choreographer) with dancers, JAMU, May 2005 @ Boston Cyberarts Festival
Jamu (2002/05, 10:30)  by Christine Southworth. For electronic gamelan and robots

sound: remixed by Eric Gunther for electronics and Heliphon, 2005.


Zap! (2004, 45" ) by Christine Southworth. For Van de Graaff Generator, flutes, voices, guitar, cello, bass, percussion, piano, robots and electronics.

sound: Robert Black (bass), David Cossin (percussion), Felix Fan (cello), Eddie Whalen (guitar), Christine Southworth (voice), Philippa Thompson (voice), Evan Ziporyn (keyboards & clarinet)

©2004 by Christine Southworth, ASCAP, all rights reserved

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